Builders of Iraq scholarship

Builders of Iraq scholarship

The American University of Iraq-Baghdad (AUIB) is providing Iraqi students from all parts of the country and its various social components with opportunities for advanced and internationally accredited education curriculum. In part AUIB is offering 60 full scholarships based on merit and academic excellence.

The university has allocated sixty scholarships as an important contribution to the performance of the university’s role towards social responsibility, distributed among the following faculties:

Number: 60 scholarships

Value: Coverage of tuition and fees.

Term: Duration of program as published in the University Catalog and up to one additional year if English studies within the Academic Success Program are needed.


  • College of Arts and Sciences
  • College of Business
  • College of Healthcare Technologies
  • College of International Studies
  • College of Law


  • AUIB is selected by the applicant within the Ministry of Higher Education for Private Universities portal.
  • A high school overall average score of 80% or above.
  • Demonstrated financial need.
  • Must be a ‘daytime’ student.

How to Apply

1. Complete the AUIB Scholarship Application, available at the Office of the Registrar and Enrollment Services on campus

2. Required documents:

  • Results of the baccalaureate exam (high school certificate).
  • Two letters of recommendation from two secondary school teachers (must be signed).
  • Social Care ID issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. Similar financial assistance foundation or charitable organization ID card.
  • Financial statements.
  • Rental or mortgage agreement.
  • Other documents of consideration: additional financial commitments, and proof claims in the form.

3. A typed written essay of 300 words maximum, in either Arabic or English explaining why this scholarship is needed.

4. Applicants must bring their application and documents in person to the Office of the Registrar and Enrollment Services on campus. Applications received electronically will not be considered.

Selection Process

  • Confirmation of applicant’s selection of AUIB within the MoHESR portal.
  • All the information contained in each application will be reviewed and verified.
  • Once the application is accepted, the Scholarship Committee will review applications determining the selected candidates.
  • Recipients will then be notified by phone and email.

Contact Us

For inquiries and questions, email us at [email protected]. Please be sure to write ‘Builders of Iraq Scholarship 2024’ in the subject field of the email.
